Kendama Entertainment Network

A community for the balanced lifestyle.

The current state of Freestyle Kendama

Discussion in 'The Sesh' started by Emil Apostol, Feb 15, 2022.

  1. Emil Apostol

    Emil Apostol DS Legend

    Jan 4, 2017
    I've been doing a bit of pondering on "Freestyle Kendama" and how it has evolved as compared to 5 years ago.

    In some respects, kendama play is a lot more liberal nowadays. For example, "handing" a kendama is now valid in some instances, such as when a trick requires the use of both hands. However, I think freestyle kendama as a competition format has gotten a lot more boring recently. Freestyle runs feel a lot more mechanical, as I feel that the performance aspect is largely put aside in favor of technical excellence and consistency.

    Not to say that it's an entirely negative thing, of course. Missu lacing tightrope, orbit to tightrope at Catch and Flow and NAKO freestyle was legendary. It's just that I feel that the landscape of freestyle has changed, and it might not be for the better depending on who you ask.

    Feel free to discuss in the thread!
    Feb 15, 2022
  2. JHard502710

    JHard502710 Slayer

    Oct 1, 2018
    Louisville, Ky
    I watched Freestyle live at BATB this year and there def is a different feel to it.. Teo from GT won and we ALL know Teo’s middle name is TECH.. Last time I saw a live freestyle comp was at BATB’19 and it was a doubles format and was more flowy, fun looking with a bit of tech stuff thrown in to really Amaze the crowd.. I like both forms.. maybe they can make separate freestyle comps, one Flowy and one Techy..!?
    Mar 5, 2022
    Emil Apostol likes this.
  3. Emil Apostol

    Emil Apostol DS Legend

    Jan 4, 2017
    This thread was actually inspired by the BATB 2022 Finals Video.

    Compare the players in that clip to the 2016 NKR 7-to-spike finals (on the Sweets Youtube Channel) or even Catch and Flow videos from 2015. Nobody flows anymore aside from Iji, Bonz, Kenyatta, the Kromies, and some others. It doesn't help either that most of these freestyle tournaments are now invitational tournaments, so the organizers will naturally invite those players who are foremost in the Kendama Meta, which often means the most technically-proficient new gen players.
    Mar 8, 2022