Does anyone know deets about those sunday Seattle weekly jams? (I may be able to make one of 'em in April! :3)
I'll be in the NorCal first weekend of March. Lemme know if there's any dama jams or shops to visit! ^_^
Nikki!!! :) I think that the Gunnzo home store is somewhere in NorCal! (I could be wrong, but I hope I'm right about that! Gunnzo carries damas and plenty of other kewl merch) :D
@Jenny Cho So apparently Gunnzo is in San Diego/LA. lolol but i did find out Kinokuniya in japantown carries KUSA. maybe i'll stop by there! low key hoping they have the wyatt bray mod. XP
Having the self control not to rip open the packages of newnew until Christmas. The struggle is real, y'all.