Kendama Entertainment Network

A community for the balanced lifestyle.

They just don’t understand...

Discussion in 'The Sesh' started by Matteo Schulz, May 16, 2018.

  1. Matteo Schulz

    Matteo Schulz Member

    Jan 1, 2017
    I had a freshman at my high school tell me as I was playing kendama that is was a pointless waste of time and he said that there was nothing more to it than a ball getting caught on cups; naturally this made me mad, and I started to wonder, what has happened to other people regarding those who don’t understand? So what has happened to you guys where people show no broad understanding that kendama is more than a toy?
    May 16, 2018
  2. Kiyoshikame

    Kiyoshikame Member

    Apr 2, 2018
    I especially like this argument because it can be used for anything.

    Why do you play video games, you’re just moving your thumbs and staring at a screen.

    Why do you read, you’re just moving your eyes along a page with words.

    Why do you play sports, you’re just running around throwing balls and catching them.

    I know I didn’t answer your original question but I thought it was an especially stupid point. People do things because they’re fun so why would you waste your time saying that about something they enjoy. Says more about the person saying that than you.
    May 16, 2018
  3. Matteo Schulz

    Matteo Schulz Member

    Jan 1, 2017
    Totally agree! Excellent point!
    May 16, 2018
  4. Instagrom3

    Instagrom3 Honed Member

    Oct 11, 2016
    i always reply with "you ever drop something and somehow manage to catch it before it falls, like a ninja? Ya? well that happens to me all the time"

    its dumb but its funny enough that people will just leave me alone after
    May 16, 2018
  5. ttocsic

    ttocsic Slayer

    Sep 28, 2017
    Atlanta, GA
    Stupid freshmen...

    Oh, wait, I'm a freshman...
    May 16, 2018
  6. KeeganS

    KeeganS DS Legend

    Dec 6, 2016
    Boise, Idaho
    Let them try it. Not everyone will react the same as us but we every kendama player knows the feeling of getting hooked on the game after picking it up for the first time. Help him land his first big cup or spike, tell him that feeling you get when landing a trick gets better and better the further you go with kendama.
    May 16, 2018
    ttocsic likes this.
  7. KeeganS

    KeeganS DS Legend

    Dec 6, 2016
    Boise, Idaho
    Personally, this hasn't exactly happened with me. Or at least to the extent that I got pretty triggered. I used to work with kids after I first started kendama so they were all pretty interested, if only for a hot minute.
    May 16, 2018
  8. goenKendama

    goenKendama Administrator Staff Member

    Oct 14, 2016
    Metro Manila, Philippines
    Haters gonna hate. Seems there's always someone around who has such a limited vision of life and the world that they condemn anything they don't understand or doesn't fit with their view of the world. Just leave them to their smallness and move along enjoying the benefits of your "wisdama." Repeat with me .ooohmm, ooohmm, ooohmm. (insert floating yoga master smiley here)

    You might also check out these tangentially related threads:
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    Never engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. - Winston Churchill
    May 17, 2018
  9. Jasper B.

    Jasper B. Slayer

    Dec 5, 2016
    San Diego
    It happens to me all the time. I really do not know what to say back...
    Looking for suggestions in this thread
    May 17, 2018
    Matteo Schulz likes this.
  10. Nick Lectura

    Nick Lectura Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 12, 2016
    Santa Cruz, CA
    Dude he's a freshman lol anything he says is irrelevant
    May 18, 2018
    KeeganS, Matteo Schulz and ttocsic like this.
  11. Matteo Schulz

    Matteo Schulz Member

    Jan 1, 2017
    Yeah, lol; that’s what I told myself; I kept telling him that there is waaaay more to kendama than meets the eye, but he was just unwilling to listen (again the freshman piece)
    May 18, 2018
    Nick Lectura likes this.
  12. Apoplectic1

    Apoplectic1 n00b

    May 7, 2018
    "Criticising the hobbies and passions of others is pointless, it's just being an edgy schmuck."
    May 18, 2018
    Matteo Schulz and Kiyoshikame like this.
  13. Emil Apostol

    Emil Apostol DS Legend

    Jan 4, 2017
    Let him be.

    I find that anyone who goes out of their way to trash someone's hobby is probably taking out their insecurities on you. Maybe he had a hobby and was criticized for being devoted to it, so much so that he was bullied into stopping. I don't want to assume, but those are the things people do when their passion for something dies.
    May 20, 2018
    Aaron Gallegos and Matteo Schulz like this.
  14. lategreat808

    lategreat808 DS Legend

    Dec 5, 2016
    Eau Claire, Wisconsin I have Rage Against the Machine stuck in my head like a bullet.
    May 20, 2018
    Matteo Schulz likes this.
  15. Broc Stauffer

    Broc Stauffer Honed Member

    Jan 3, 2017
    I don’t try to avoid or show people my passion for kendama. My close friends know. When kids see my insta they generally think it is cool. I might have a social higharchy at my school. People will give me crap, but not make fun of me. At a point, I don’t care what people think.
    May 20, 2018
    Jordan_MTB and Aaron Gallegos like this.
  16. Jasper B.

    Jasper B. Slayer

    Dec 5, 2016
    San Diego
    That sounds like a nice time. It is similar in my school where people will tease me about it, but I really do not care, because it is one of my passions that I will not let go any time soon.
    May 20, 2018