All natty 7/10 no chips, just well used. RWB hickory ken 8/10. This is a very durable ken in the OG shape. The condition is likely higher at a 9/10, but I’m grading it conservatively. 80 grams Sweets HG maple with a walnut stripe 7/10. 79 grams. $45 shipped to the USA and Puerto Rico for all the Boriquas out there. Mi gente. I throw in a blacktop JKA. I can’t upload an image, so here is a link: Other damas are for sale too.
Howdy stranger. Good to see you drop in again. Yeah, pix have been on the fritz for a while. The issue has been forwarded to "the powers that be."
Good to hear things have picked back up for you. Good luck on your sales. Also you might consider posting them on Kendama Discord Server. They have a BST section too.