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Sakura wood ken

Discussion in 'The Sesh' started by htimSxelA, Jun 8, 2020.

  1. htimSxelA

    htimSxelA Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    Tomorrow Terra is launching a sakura wood sakura dama. Couple pics below. Normally we would have been running a booth at the Sakura Days festival in Vancouver, but this year it couldn't happen cause of the rona. But we can still make some cool kendamas anyways! :D

    Sakura wood is fairly low density, but the Prefect shape is a little larger, so these kens average mid 70s. I checked weights on em, screenshot with some numbers and avg for the batch below. The sakura wood is soft, so I'm really stoked to see how they fully break in after playing for a while.

    I've seen a few full sakura kendamas, but I think they were all smaller sized and so most were reeally light (sub-65g). Some of the Japanese manufacturers have use sakura for the tama (Ozora, Mugen), which is cool because its a little less dense and so potentially balances out better with the ken. I do have a sakura wood 90's JKA Sakura ken in my collection, so thats a neat one.

    Anybody else have a Sakura setup in their collection?

    Not up for sale quite yet, but will be tomorrow afternoon (Mon June 8, PST)


    Weight checks for the pickiest of dama nerds, the last row is the average for that column (I checked ~60 pieces). To add context, these numbers are just how they came paired, if they're off by more than 8-9 g then I'll re-match em (for example, two of the last few entries in the table are off by 8-10 g, those pieces would've been rematched after data entry)
    Screen Shot 2020-06-08 at 12.42.29 AM.png
    Jun 8, 2020
    Jewbacca, MobTarley, xplodit and 4 others like this.
  2. xplodit

    xplodit Slayer

    Sep 23, 2017
    Man I wish I had seen this before the drop, totally missed it before selling out. If anybody has one that they’d sell or trade hit me up.
    Jun 10, 2020
  3. Instagrom3

    Instagrom3 Honed Member

    Oct 11, 2016
    one of the best damas ive played in awhile, the larger size with the lighter wood makes for amazing playability
    Jun 22, 2020
  4. TomChill

    TomChill n00b

    Nov 1, 2019
    The more I play the prefect, the more I like it, and this Sakura wood plays well =]
    Jun 22, 2020
    ChilleDama likes this.
  5. Jewbacca

    Jewbacca Honed Member

    Oct 12, 2016
    The only ones I have are OZ and Mugen tamas. Got this one in the mail and feels amazing in the hands also the design is wild. Should make more in this wood!
    Jun 24, 2020