Kendama Entertainment Network

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Selling the dank, 2 bears gt, f3, mash hg

Discussion in 'DS Exchange' started by Tyler Dela Cruz, Jan 9, 2017.

  1. Tyler Dela Cruz

    Tyler Dela Cruz n00b

    Dec 7, 2016
    Chula Vista, CA
    20170108_162659.jpg Selling as bundle only
    2 bears is 9/10 and comes with original bag and sticker (dead on at 69g)
    F3 is fresh ( dead on at 74g)
    Mash hg is 8/10 (dead on at 72g)
    Everything for 165$ shipped
    Message me on instagram @tylerdelacruz or on facebook through fkc if you're interested. I can also send more pics if needed
    Jan 9, 2017
    Cocojoe likes this.