Kendama Entertainment Network

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Sunday Flow 3!

Discussion in 'Sessions' started by James Sevilla, May 7, 2017.

  1. James Sevilla

    James Sevilla Honed Member

    Oct 18, 2016
    Dublin, CA (Bay Area)
    May 7, 2017
    Bagel likes this.
  2. Steezdiaz

    Steezdiaz Slayer

    Nov 1, 2016
    Gonna be so good!
    May 7, 2017
    James Sevilla likes this.
  3. Nick Lectura

    Nick Lectura Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 12, 2016
    Santa Cruz, CA
    Sooo wanna go to this, but I get off work at 3:30 and I live like an hour away :,(
    Might just send it for the last half cause I got nothin else to do that night (except write a research paper lol)
    May 8, 2017