Kendama Entertainment Network

A community for the balanced lifestyle.

Kendama Live Stream w/ KendamaMPLS

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This is the first stream of its kind for kendama and we had an absolute blast. There were some small technical issues that need to be adjusted but overall it was a very positive experience!

The idea is for the streams to be hosted bimonthly. (Every other Thursday) meaning that the next stream will be on Thursday, July 13 at 8pm EST.

Let me know in the comments who you would like to see on the show or what ideas you have to engage the twitch chat. I am open to any and all feedback.

Posted by: RyanArthurWalker

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  • Ben Lowe
    Ben Lowe

    This was great. I hope a bunch of people can watch it and join in on the next one!
  • Dæmon