Followers 23
- Home Page:
- https://www.TerraKendama.com
- Location:
- Vancouver BC
- Occupation:
- Making Kendamas
Honed Member, from Vancouver BC
Create / Destroy Mar 14, 2018
- TerraKendama was last seen:
- Mar 15, 2019
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We like making things. Since 2011, we have been a leader in kendama innovation, carefully crafting unique and beautiful kendamas by hand in our Canadian workshop.
Our brand is run by professional kendama players, with an emphasis on quality and playability. Stop by our shop to see for yourself!
Jam Night every Tuesday! 5-7pm, Upstairs 1011 Commercial Drive, Vancouver. Free to attend, all ages fun!Interact
- Instagram:
- terrakendama
- Snapchat:
- terrakendama