(Kendama News Network - Jan 2018 is out now! Link below.) Hey hey, DS! I have a new vlog of sorts, and there's an "Ask Me Anything!", where i gather questions from Downspike members, and try to answer them! Let's keep the questions rolling, and i'll pick 3-5 for each vlog. How's about that? If you're down, just ask me anything! (Except dama dares.) This AMA section, is prioritized to DS users! Vlog episodes : Spiked! Vol. 1 (20170325) Spiked! Vol. 2 (20170410) Spiked! Vol. 3 (20170512) Spiked! Vol. 4 (20170525) Spiked! Vol. 5 (20170610) Spiked! Vol. 6 (20170702) Spiked! Vol. 7, Part 1 (20170731) Spiked! Vol. 7, Part 2 (20170801) Spiked! Vol. 8 (20170916) Spiked! Vol. 9 (20171017) Kendama News Network : September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 January 2018
Great idea! My first question, a kind of get to know type of question would be, how has Kendama shaped and changed your life? Second question has multiple parts: what's the first trick you learned, what's most recent trick you've learned, what's the most recent trick you've landed, and what's the trick you're working on?
•How long have you been playing Dama? •who inspires you most? •favorite Dama at the moment •if you were to be sponsored by any company who would it be?
What're the most glaring differences in culture (in your experience between Malay and western life? How about in relation to kendama? (I ask because the majority of people on here will be western culture born and raised, so let's learn something new about the world at large!) Edit: 'glaring' may have a negative connotation, that's not my intent. Just looking for the big/obvious things!
What is your opinion on the "state of kendama." Kind of a big question I know, but what do you think about where kendama is now, when it comes to the community, companies, players, products, etc? And also where would you like to see kendama go next, whether to improve or otherwise? You can answer on any scale that you'd like, either personal, global, or something else. Hope that makes sense.
Thank you for the awesome questions, guys! Keep them coming! And as for @Almostgets, i'll count you as 5 questions, since my answers are gonna be a bit lengthy hehe. Will be shooting my first episode tonight (in about 12 hrs time!). Hope to get it out by Tuesday local time (that's Monday for most of the Americans and Canadians in the house).
You seem to have traveled around a lot more than most dama players. What are some of the big kendama differences you see country to country? Not just an east/west thing
So stoked to release the first vlog of sorts! Hope you guys enjoy it, and constructive criticism and ideas are always welcomed!
@azleonhart great video bro! Excited to see where you take the series. My only suggestion would be to do less cuts, I started tripping out a little bit.
Mann, i need to plan my script better! I filtered out so much of ummms, ahhhhhs and aaaands that i was shocked at how much i cut out. Thank you for the feedback, will improve on that!
No worries man! Thought you had good content and covered a lot in one video. Definitely was no rambling! Also, really loved the Thorkild and Rolf clip at the end!! Classic... "I'm sorry Philip!!"
That was great Azrin! And the filtered out jumpiness added to the overall feel I felt(time consuming I bet?). Look forward to the next one. And the dama disaster theme at the end could be carried on with the @Matthew Rice killing his TV clip!
Thanks for the Q, Aloysius! Did you mean "where do i get my kendamas"? Yesss!! Thank you for giving me that awesome idea!